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Stress affects our bodies in many different ways. For some it’s more physically felt, while for others it’s more in your thoughts and your mindset. The following steps can be used as a guide for staying calm under stress.


When we are on a new curve of learning or mastery, our stress levels can be impacted by this new experience. When we feel stressed we are often more focused on the future outcome or worried about an event in the past. Stress cannot live as evidently in your life when you live more in the present moment. Present moment awareness is a great starting place for you to begin in your De-stress Treasure Chest. You can find many different ways to bring your focus and awareness to the present moment. Some easy to remember example I like are:

  • Exaggerated breathing – by consciously feeling the belly rise and fall 3 times
  • Body scan – where you think of each body part and consciously relax with your exhalation

Your De-stress Treasure Chest are all the elements and actions that support you in times of stress, overwhelm or anxiety. Some examples of my treasure chest items are a photo of a relaxing landscape (it has been proven that looking at green or blue lowers stress levels so find a photo of a beach, ocean or nature that inspires you), a family photo, a beautiful keepsake note and my essential oils. These are with me all the time so I can use them to break any overwhelm pattern or feeling wherever I am.


The next step is to infuse your mind with thoughts that cultivate your best present moment awareness. Create phrases and quotes that resonate and reinforce what you want to think about. I recently went on the TODAY show and I found the mastery of TV quite high. I created some phrases that helped me to remember my intent and to stay in the present moment. These were:

  • I am embracing the opportunity and I am allowing myself to be wholeheartedly present
  • Pause – deep breath – you are better than you think you are
  • Surrender this experience to be exactly what it needs to be
  • It’s not about the outcome it’s about the effort
  • When I attach to an outcome I attach to my ego

You can think about these, write them down or put them on your phone as a reminder. I like to take a photo of the hand written phrase and save it on my screen saver. This helps me to focus my thoughts on the positive outcome and gives me a greater chance of creating it.


Before going into your event or a situation that is overwhelming and stressful, aim to have 1-5 minutes where you are in nature or are focused on nature – this can be looking at a green tree, a blue ocean, walking in a park or if you can’t get outside, keep an inspiring photo on you that has green or blue nature based scenery that you can look at and immerse yourself in.

As part of Step 3, keep yourself well hydrated. Water will keep your body well resourced and alert. Hydrating our bodies helps to eliminate toxins and keep our minds alert. A large proportion of the human brain is made up of water. Keeping your body and ultimately your brain well hydrated creates maximum alertness and better concentration, ideal for optimum productivity.

When I am under stress it is about being reminded of the basics and coming back to what supports me best. Using these 3 simple steps has helped me remain calm, with clarity in the present moment many times throughout my career and in my everyday life. It is when you actually use these tools and feel the difference; you carry the momentum and commitment forward to continue.

Lyndall Mitchell, Aurora Spa Founder

Lyndall Mitchell

Author Lyndall Mitchell

Lyndall is an author, wellness entrepreneur, and accredited coach who thrives in seeing her clients benefit from her wellness philosophies. She is also founder of the Aurora Spa and ASPAR product Group, Australia’s pioneering, award-winning urban spa organisation andco-owner of The Essentialists, her partnership with Shannah Kennedy that provide a Masterclass of life and wellness skills to the corporate market.

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