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The craving for pamper sessions is here!

We would love to share how you can create an indulgent and relaxing Spa Retreat in your own home.

Chose a time at the end of your day when you can set aside some sacred time to create this beautiful gift for yourself. Combine the following elements, to create a special space for all your senses to deeply relax:

  • water
  • aroma
  • candlelight
  • relaxing breathing techniques
  • ASPAR Wattleseed & Walnut Resurfacing body scrub

Dim the lights and light some candles, this creates the mood of peace and quiet and enhances your sense of relaxation and rest.

Run a warm bath, or simply soak your feet in a bowl of delicious warm water. Sprinkle ASPARS uplifting and refreshing Revitilise essential oil blend into your bath and add a few drops onto your hands and take 3 deeply relaxing, aroma filled breaths. Notice the energising orange and revitalising pink grapefruit, which helps to clear the mind and lift your spirit.

Bring your awareness to the moment through inhaling the delicious aroma’s, feel the comforting warmth of the water on your skin, enjoy the candlelight’s soothing presence.

As you sink into the soothing warmth of the water, play some relaxing music, or simply enjoy the rhythmic sound of your breaths coming in and out, as you sink deeper into relaxation and comfort.

To further take you into a restorative state, inhale for count of x2 and exhale for count of x4. This creates a focus for your mind to follow, which allows the busyness of the day to seep away, and to slow your thoughts and body tempo down.

Enhance the sensation of washing your body through slow, circular motions by lathering up our famous and deliciously creamy WattleSeed Resurfacing Body Scrub.

Notice the amazing smell this scrub releases and tune into how pleasant the scrub feels on your softening skin, as it is refreshed through both manual and enzymatic exfoliation. This carefully formulated blend of finely milled wattleseed, walnut and papaya is fantastic at exfoliating tired and dead skin cells. Notice how smooth your skin feels when you gently rinse your skin.

By taking the time to create these rituals for yourself, it really helps to reconnect with your emotions, to reset your busy mind and restore health to your tired body.

The key to creating a sensual and deeply restorative Spa experience in your home, is to slow down every step, be present to each element and how each of your senses are being revitilised and soothed.

Make Spa a part of your lifestyle. Because you and the results are worth it.

Written by Joanna Atanasow

Aurora Spa Therapist, Naturopath, Blogger

Lyndall Mitchell

Author Lyndall Mitchell

Lyndall is an author, wellness entrepreneur, and accredited coach who thrives in seeing her clients benefit from her wellness philosophies. She is also founder of the Aurora Spa and ASPAR product Group, Australia’s pioneering, award-winning urban spa organisation andco-owner of The Essentialists, her partnership with Shannah Kennedy that provide a Masterclass of life and wellness skills to the corporate market.

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