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Winter is a time when our wellness can be challenged. Let’s face it, it is the hardest month to get outdoors and stay active and it is the season that the fireplace and the cozy cuppa is calling you. We have put together our top winter wellness strategies to help you brave the cold and create your own winter sanctuary. Here are some thought provokers to inspire your own winter wellness strategies.

  1. * Drink filtered room temperature or lukewarm water. 70% of our immune system lives in the gut. By drinking filtered water you can keep all the good bacteria and beauty bugs happy in your belly as they don’t like the chlorine in our water.
  2. * Incorporate a facial and body oil to your night-time routine to compensate for the extra dryness our skin experiences.
  3. * Eat foods that are in season. Cooked, warming foods are going to be a great place to start. Add in lots of ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, and cardamom to deliver a warm, wintery flavour to your favourite dishes. Time to get that slow cooker out!


Remember our self-regulation is at its highest in the morning which means that your motivation and enthusiasm will naturally be at its highest in the morning. Use this added boost in winter when you find it hard to get up and get active. Harness the morning magic!

Stay warm and be well.


Lyndall Mitchell

Author Lyndall Mitchell

Lyndall is an author, wellness entrepreneur, and accredited coach who thrives in seeing her clients benefit from her wellness philosophies. She is also founder of the Aurora Spa and ASPAR product Group, Australia’s pioneering, award-winning urban spa organisation andco-owner of The Essentialists, her partnership with Shannah Kennedy that provide a Masterclass of life and wellness skills to the corporate market.

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