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At-home face masks are the perfect, high-powered skin treatment that can be enjoyed on the comfort of your couch. There are many amazing at-home face masks available on the market and a lot of them will do absolute wonders to your skin. But before you peel back the packet and smooth that cut-out over your face as best you can, here are a few tips we recommend for ensuring you get the absolute most out of every application.

  1. Always cleanse and exfoliate your skin prior to mask application to ensure optimal results. This ensures the skin is clean and prepped.
  2. Apply a thin, even coat of mask over your face and right down to your neck. Pay attention to the little corners around your nose and go all the way up to your hairline.
  3. If the mask can be left on for a longer length if time, for example a nourishing mask, apply a thin layer rather than night cream before bed. The mask will act as a potent night treatment.
  4. If the mask contains AHA always avoid the eyes and lips. You can apply a layer of lip balm and eye cream prior to applying the mask to keep these areas hydrated and protected from over exfoliation.
  5. If you are using a pure clay mask always keep it damp by misting with water or with hydrosol. It’s tempting to let the mask dry out but this can dehydrate your delicate skin.
  6. Any excess mask can be massaged into the backs of the hands for a hand treatment.
  7. After using a mask, always apply sunscreen during the day especially if your mask exfoliates or has active ingredients.
  8. If you have combination skin you can apply different masks to to different areas of your face and neck in patch work. This ensures the best results.
Lyndall Mitchell

Author Lyndall Mitchell

Lyndall is an author, wellness entrepreneur, and accredited coach who thrives in seeing her clients benefit from her wellness philosophies. She is also founder of the Aurora Spa and ASPAR product Group, Australia’s pioneering, award-winning urban spa organisation andco-owner of The Essentialists, her partnership with Shannah Kennedy that provide a Masterclass of life and wellness skills to the corporate market.

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